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AI images created by user Eloyse

joachim_s Aether Bubbles & Foam - LoRA for SDXL photorealistic fully transparent unusual crab completely made of soap bubbles highly detailed on the beach in front of the ocean perfectly rendered Lora: Aether_Bubbles_And_Foam_v1_SDXL_LoRA" "weight": 0.62 photorealistic intricate weird unusual spider completely made of soap bubbles against black studio background perfectly rendered Model: stable-diffusion-xl-base-1-0 LoRA: Aether_Bubbles_And_Foam_v1_SDXL_LoRA - 0.3 LoRA: xl_more_art-full-beta2 - 0.75 made of bath foam and soap bubbles photograph capturing a unicorn with sharp focus vibrant colors strong film grain cinematic lighting Aether Cloud - LoRA for SDXL a cloud that looks like a dragon lora:Aether_Cloud_v1:1 Aether Aqua - LoRA for SDXL Fusiform blooming cherry blossoms made of water compounding lurid Trevor Brown an astronaut made of bath foam black background Aether_Cloud_v1 juggernautXL_version3 a photo of a cloud that looks like donald trump detailed lora:Aether_Cloud_v1:1 photograph capturing a kelpie Aether Ghost - LoRA for SDXL a photo of a transparent ghost standing on a mountain at sunset Photo of a Olaf from Disney frozen movie made with water half melted into a puddle of water under the bright sun lora:Aether_Aqua_v1_SDXL_LoRA:1.000000 Steps: 30 Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale: 7.0 Seed: 1715487666 Size: 832x1216 Model: sd_xl_base_1.0 Flat caterpillar on a branch made of water galvanizing miraculous Beksinski Giger Isometric Cutaway technical drawing of a transparent ghostly thundercloud. A complex mechanism assembly illustrated in a technical drawing. a cloud that looks like grim reaper holding a scythelora:Aether_Cloud_v1:1.2 blue sky sd_xl_base_1.0 a mermaid made of soap bubbles floating blue background lora:Aether_Bubbles_And_Foam_v1_SDXL_LoRA:1.3 a photo of a cloud that looks like galadriel lora:Aether_Cloud_v1:1 made of soap bubbles and bath foam photograph capturing a griffon Aether_Bubbles_And_Foam_v1_SDXL_LoRA cute chibi owl made of bath foam and soap bubbles vibrant colors lora:Aether_Bubbles_And_Foam_v1_SDXL_LoRA:1 photorealistic fully transparent unusual platypus completely made of soap bubbles underwater Aether_Pixel_v1_SDXL_LoRA
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