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Dreamshaper-xl-v1_alpha2 images generated with AI

Elle Fanning Noah Bradley dreamshaper-xl-v1_alpha2 Lykon DreamShaper XL lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:1.0 lora:add-detail-xl:2.0 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.4 arcane lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.6 awesomize lora:style-envyfantasticxl01-xl:0.6 fantastic lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:0.8 primordial lora:style-envymagicalxl01-xl:0.6 magical famous artwork by casey baugh:1.3 detailed expressive eyes fantasy style the clawed mobscreamer a stealthy jungle dweller covered in snarblifying leaves and most often accompanied by the tiny bioluminescent brittle necroblark it snurfles among gnarled trees and the enchanted xodderflowers in the heart of the lush thurgicided lands of planet grobshnuggler ii ultra detailed lora:add-detail-xl:2.4 lora:style-breakcore-xl-by_ciro_negrogni:0.8 lora:style-bladerunner_1982-xl:0.48 bldr breakcore glitchy:1.2 futuristic view from a rooftop inside a virtual reality a cyberpunk girl shown from the side detailed eyes beautiful eyes and wearing large designer headphones:1.4 interfaces with a pulsating glitchy cyberpunk cityscape with towering skyscrapers and neon advertisements through hundreds of cyan glowing and pulsating data streams glas fiber cables:1.2 glitchy landscapes materialize creating a surreal and dynamic cybernetic dreamscape:1.2 data jack mechanical parts cybernetic dynamic vibrant colorful w4r10ck Detail Tweaker XL lora:add-detail-xl:1.8 colored pencil drawing famous artwork by jean-baptiste monge:1.1 a hamster dressed as a scientist in a white lab coat is standing on his desk and in front of a green chalkboard:1.1 with thick white chalk text: "404" and formulae detailed soft looking fur detailed laboratory background with a window nice weather OneViolentGentleman Vogon Guide to Beasts of the Galaxy lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.4 lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:1.2 famous artwork by karl kopinski:1.4
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