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Yamer Grimlock etherMoonlightMix_beta1 gamerdan69 Ether Moonlight Mix 3d Anders Zorn mario:1.1 actions moody lighting tranquil calm glow glowing mystical magical rim lighting fantasy sunbeam soft lighting sparkle glittering Yamer Pixel Diffusion Pixel Art Diffusion II 2 pixel-art handsome adult interracial man manly lean body clothed solo portrait 64 bit full body low-res blocky pixel art style 8-bit graphics SDXL Base 1.0 Kappa_Neuro Surreal Collage lora:Surreal Collage:1Surreal Collage - Create a visual representation where one part of the image depicts a clear and organized environment symbolizing quality management. Use standardized symbols signs or representations to emphasize the concept. This part should convey a sense of structure order and meticulousness. In the other part of the image distort reality and introduce elements that represent madness. Incorporate surreal and bizarre elements that disrupt the established order. This part should be filled with unexpected and irrational objects or characters. Find a balance between the two parts ensuring that the contrast between quality management and madness is visually striking. Consider using color composition and visual cues to emphasize the differences between the two aspects. Remember the goal is to visually convey the idea that quality management despite its efforts to standardize and control exists in stark contrast to the inherent chaos and unpredictability of madness. holov2 perfectWorld_v5Baked afunyun Holo - Spice and Wolf - Funyun holo wolf girl Eyelet blouse with pastel-colored cropped pants
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