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Alien vegetation images generated with AI

Rose McIver brightprotonukeNo_v12 Eface BrightProtoNuke(BPN) - No refiner needed An eerie and unsettling basalt planet landscape bathed in an unnatural greenish hue that casts an unearthly glow upon its surreal terrain. The sky above is a deep crimson streaked with tendrils of purple and orange as if the very atmosphere is in turmoil. The surface of the planet appears to be covered in massive jagged rock formations some reaching hundreds of feet into the air their razor-sharp edges glistening menacingly in the strange light. Hollow caverns and dark tunnels pockmark the surface inviting exploration but also concealing unknown dangers. In the distance a looming mountain range stretches across the horizon its peaks shrouded in a perpetual cloud of swirling green mist. The ground is littered with strange alien vegetation twisted and misshapen plants with razor-sharp leaves and sickly green tendrils that writhe and slither across the ground like living things. A thin layer of orange slime coats everything giving the entire scene an unmistakable sense of disease and decay. The air is thick with an oppressive silence broken only by the occasional distant rumble or hiss. Oil painting by Jean-François Millet by Gustave Courbet by Jules Breton close up dark fantasy lora:add-detail-xl:2 fantastic_characters_v4 moesah Fantastic Characters - SD 1.5 Lora lora:fantastic_characters_v4:0.9 fantchar lora:BodHor-V1:0.9 futuristic scuba gear earth globe hologram:1.5 scifi reptile robot with a huge brain cables radio_antenna sonar wires connected to portable fusion reactor scifi lab:1.5 monitors with scientific data mechanical_halo blood vessels connected to tubes mechanical vertebra attached to back echanical cervial attached to neck mechanical_wings:1.3 mechanical_parts biohazard bio warfare shouting spaceship corridor:1.5 walking lora:BodHor-V1:0.3 athletic scifi humanoid scholar:1.5 sunglasses scifi business attire tattoo:1.7 head phones muscle definition alien planet vegetation:1.5 long wavy hair dark_skin
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