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And yellows images generated with AI

Yamer Grimlock Mr. Fries sdxlUnstableDiffusers_v8HeavensWrathVAE Yamer SDXL Unstable Diffusers ヤメールの帝国 ☛ YamerMIX Imagine a dense Brazilian tropical rainforest where sunlight filters through the lush green canopy. Amidst the vibrant foliage a macaw with dazzling plumage takes center stage. Its feathers are a mosaic of stunning blues reds and yellows creating an explosion of color in the natural landscape. Its curious eyes survey the surroundings as it prepares to take flight vividly standing out against the lush green backdrop of the forest. This image captures the true essence of the macaw majestic and vibrant in its tropical habitatlora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5 Mr_fries1111 WildCardX-XL LIGHTNING⚡⚡⚡ wildcardxXLLIGHTNING_wildcardxXLRdphotoV2 A heartwarming anime masterpiece of a young girl and guy enjoying a peaceful autumn afternoon at a park. The leaves have transformed into a stunning kaleidoscope of reds oranges gently dancing in the crisp breeze. The girl with long wavy brown hair wears a light-colored sweater and jeans while the guy sports short curly brown hair and a casual sweater and jeans. They share a soft smile as they sit on a weathered bench wrapped in each other's warmth with the distant laughter of children playing in the background. This 4K best quality anime art captures the cozy nostalgic atmosphere of the scene perfect for a relaxing autumn evening. SDXL Base 1.0 Kappa_Neuro Akos Major style lora:Akos Major style:1Akos Major style - Imagine a scene right out of a Wes Anderson film set on a quaint summer beach. Shot on a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a 35mm lens the image is composed with Anderson's signature symmetrical style and pastel color palette. The frame is neatly divided by the horizon line with pale sandy beach below and a clear turquoise sky above. The beach huts painted in pastel pinks blues line the shore each with its own character yet perfectly spaced for harmonious symmetry. The people are few and subtly staged each engaging in whimsical beach activities that hint at unique unspoken narratives. A striped beach umbrella impeccably centered anchors the scene its bold lines contrasting with the softness of the environment. The bright uniform lighting achieved through meticulous post-production work ensures no shadows disrupt the harmonious color scheme. The beach scene is not just a place but a charming diorama of characters and colors frozen in a moment of summertime bliss as seen through the idiosyncratic lens of Wes Anderson EnvyStylizedXL02 _Envy_ Envy Stylized XL 02 explosion of light muted reds coalescing around a sunlora:EnvyStylizedXL02:1
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