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Bold and contrasting colors images generated with AI

Mila Azul Al Pacino solo_lee Mila Azul SoloTI add_detail SoloMix_v1 MilaA_SoloTI_v1:0.99 a beautiful woman perfect hair Abstract and avant-garde attire capturing the essence of Picasso's artistic vision unconventional and intriguing pose medium shot digital bold and contrasting colors abstract brush strokes Artistic Studio Creative space with unconventional shapes vibrant colors and a sense of artistic exploration enigmatic and piercing eyes a sense of depth and complexity in the expression unique and unconventional lips intriguing gaze: 1.1 artistic and abstract accessories avant-garde shot: 1.3 bold and dramatic lighting emphasizing the unique features and adding a sense of artistic flair in a style reminiscent of Picasso's iconic portraits lora:add_detail:0.5 SDXL Base 1.0 Kappa_Neuro Movie Poster lora:Movie Poster:1Movie Poster - a captivating movie poster featuring a thrilling action-packed scene. The poster should include a courageous protagonist intense lighting dynamic composition and vibrant colors. The title of the movie should be prominently displayed and the tagline should evoke excitement and intrigue. Customize the keywords below to personalize theProtagonist: Enter the description of the main character e.g. a skilled detective a fearless superhero Lighting: Choose the lighting style dramatic shadows neon lights vibrant backlighting Composition: Specify the desired composition dynamic diagonal lines asymmetric layout Colors: Select the color scheme moody and desaturated tones Title: Provide the movie title or a placeholder title Tagline: Compose an exciting and intriguing tagline for the movie AlPacinoScarface dajamesbondsuperfan007 Al Pacino Scarface (Tony Montana) Lora aps1 A portrait of a man in the style of Pablo Picasso cubist Cubist interpretation Geometric and abstracted facial features Playful and dynamic composition Unconventional and thought-provoking Deconstruction of form. lora:AlPacinoScarface:1
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