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DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2 images generated with AI

DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2 hephaistosNextgenDPO_v10 Afroman4peace Hephaistos NextGen DPO SWF&NSFW hyper detailed masterpiece dynamic awesome quality female caster casting blood magic crimson streams and veils that flow and twine in the air moving with an eerie life of their own pulse with every heartbeat creating an intimate yet unsettling spectacle miasmic mist DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:1 starlightXLAnimated_v3 DonMischo Billions of Wildcards - character, vehicle, scenery, building, creature, scifi, fantasy, magic (all you want) female oracle Weaving conjuring shaped like Amorphous of nickel yellow lava celestial and illusion magic DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:0.65 lora:Perfect Hands v2:1.0 Perfect Hands juggernautXL_v7Rundiffusion male thaumaturge ice magic seraphic unearthly solid chisel diffusion brownian motion hemisphere turbulence aurora australis triangle magic:1.0 DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:0.8 female caster casting elven magic ethereal quality manifesting in shimmering silvery light weaves intricate patterns in the air carries the elegance and ancient wisdom resemble delicate filigree flowing script in an ancient tongue faint harmonious melody distant chorus of ethereal voices resonate with the natural world blending the mystical with the beauty of the wild DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:1 female caster casting myriad of tiny swirling vials filled with liquids of every imaginable color glowing softly each vial emits a unique pattern of sparkles or smoke representing the intricate and varied effects of potion magic air is filled with a symphony of subtle enchanting scents hinting at the powerful transformations contained within each concoction DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:1 DonM - The Colours of Magic LoRA - Every Magic you want! [SD1.5,SDXL] female caster casting amorphous shadow deeper and darker than night absorbing light and hope red eyes flicker within sinister grace leaving a feeling of unease and dread DonMM4g1cXL lora:DonMM4g1cXL_v1.2:1 CyberPunkAIp EnvyBetterHiresFixXL01 sdxlYamersRealisticNSFW_v5TX runew0lf Bio-Luminescence female shaman runes floating in the air fire flames
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