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Scaleborn (SDXL) images generated with AI

Yamer SDXL YAMER runew0lf Scaleborn (SDXL) Detailed realistic painting by Vermeer and Rembrandt of alien covered in scalesholding a wrapped Christmas present covered in scalesglowing in strange dark light style by Clay Mann:2.5 unique realistic fluffy cute feathered utah-raptor dragon with scales:1.8 phantasmagoria Dynamic Angle Dramatic Lighting storm-rainfall detailed masterpiece digital painting lora:add-detail-xl:1.4 windy epic polar luminous blue eye professional make-up mesmerize scaleborn crackedmagma an alien hyena creature made from cracked magma hexagonal scales night sky Scaleborn_SDXL SDXL - zavychromaxl_v30 beautiful woman mature long lashes blue eyes glowing circuit tattoos scaleborn lora:Scaleborn_SDXL:1 Detailed realistic painting by Vermeer and Rembrandt of alien covered in scalesholding a wrapped Christmas present covered in scales dark light realvisxlV30Turbo_v30Bakedvae project house:1.3 in dinosaur light and shadow High detailed RAW color Photo 8k lora:Scaleborn_SDXL:0.9 lora:ral-mythcr:0.8 house in dinosaur lora:Scaleborn_SDXL:0.9 lora:ral-mythcr:1 Capture the close up view essence of angry Iguana-Bat hybrid with hexagonical scaled skin and yellow glowing eyes in batman-like suit in monochrome playing chess on the moon frozen in the midst of dynamic scales play. Craft a visually stunning and evocative image of that creature from a very close view macro photo showcasing the canine's spirited interaction with the scales werewolf creating splashes action shot drkfntasy A full body portrait of a lizard-skinned demoness with spread Hot Pink Moss demon wings wearing body-tight light leather armor in a lava-filled cave Trypophobia scales RiUltra-XL A girl as an cyborg snail glowing lora:Scaleborn_SDXL:0.7 cyberpunk pastel over detailed cyborg creepy
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