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Albedobase-xl-v1.2 images generated with AI

albedobase-xl-v1.2 albedobond AlbedoBase XL lora:add-detail-xl:2.0 famous artwork by julie baroh:1.4 fractal art:1.0 fantasy style seen here is the wondrous amphibic:1.2 gross warplobber with its psorbified quizzleflarp and sleek streamlined features:1.2 it prefers to drezzle next to one of the colorful and frequently erupting geysers:1.4 of the blampfchoddering exoplanet new grinflob masterpiece best quality ultra detailed famous artwork by steve prescott:1.1 detailed expressive eyes deep in the crystalline caverns of planet gullible secundus roams a silicon-based life form the long-tailed eyejib shown here as it is emerging from its tunnel lair in the vibrant gemstone-studded walls of the underground shnorbsabbler this creature is covered in crystalline quibberflitz arranged in colorful fractal patterns reflecting the iridescent glow of the bioluminescent fungi around it one should watch out for its dangerous punglyflorbed tail lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.6 arcane lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.4 awesomize lora:style-envyfantasticxl01-xl:0.6 fantastic lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:1.2 primordial lora:style-envymagicalxl01-xl:0.6 magical famous artwork by brian despain and casey baugh:1.4 fractal art:0.6 the worryingly beautiful:1.8 mossy muscqueggle is a small highly poisonous creature with brightly colored intricate wings:1.2 the vivid coloring serves as a warning of their poisonous nature they inhabit the enchanted glades of the lush bioluminescent forests of planet grobshnuggler x where the air is filled with the soft glow of burglybonked spores ultra high detail ultra realistic 8k uhd OneViolentGentleman Vogon Guide to Beasts of the Galaxy famous artwork by aleksi briclot:1.1 the gigantic eldritch sandwup a fantastical alien snoiler with its glowing scaly hide is well adapted to hunt its prey the lop-eared cloudwiggler in the shimmering crystalline:1.2 forests of the tragulified and vast underground caves:1.2 on planet hardbloom quartus famous artwork by glen cook:1.4 the legendary mythical and recoddermented dizzy wartshmoggler a majestic creature with wide fins on a flat and wide body can be found on the oceanic planciated world langtern secundus with its counterblurbled crumbletides and teeming reefs covered in disgustingly beautiful bioluminescent glowing plumsnarfler:1.1 these enigmatic engifronged creatures emit pulsing deep red light:1.2 to hypnotize nearby marine life famous artwork by genevieve valentine:1.4 fractal art:0.44 dramatic sky depicted is the airborne angry shleemgobble
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