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Primordial images generated with AI

Yamer Grimlock dreamshaper-xl-v1_alpha2 Lykon DreamShaper XL lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:1.0 lora:add-detail-xl:2.0 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.4 arcane lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.6 awesomize lora:style-envyfantasticxl01-xl:0.6 fantastic lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:0.8 primordial lora:style-envymagicalxl01-xl:0.6 magical famous artwork by casey baugh:1.3 detailed expressive eyes fantasy style the clawed mobscreamer a stealthy jungle dweller covered in snarblifying leaves and most often accompanied by the tiny bioluminescent brittle necroblark it snurfles among gnarled trees and the enchanted xodderflowers in the heart of the lush thurgicided lands of planet grobshnuggler ii ultra detailed juggernaut-xl-v8 NextMeal Ultimate Text Embeddings SDXL Pack (Styles + Negative) lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:0.6 lora:add-detail-xl:2.0 lora:style-storm_cloud-xl-by_martius72:0.9 lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyfantasticxl01-xl:0.2 lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:0.6 famous artwork by casey baugh:1.1 and gerald brom:1.2 and guweiz:1.2 and gustave dore:1.4 the thoughtless souljugger is a majestic silicon-based life-form living in a hostile environment it calls the pizzled lava plains of the volcanic planet grobshnuggler ii its home on the image it is shown with its disturbingly beautiful leathery wings and elegant refloractive body this life form feeds by harnessing volcanic energy and hunting the much smaller adventurous stonkkirg martius_storm ultra high detail ultra realistic 8k Yamer SDXL Unstable Diffusers ヤメールの帝国 ☛ YamerMIX Unstable V11 + RunDiffusion vaporwave famous artwork by dan mumford:1.1 dramatic scene:1.1 fractal art:0.3 dynamic angle the misty glumboodle is a stealthy and agile mammalian life form:1.4 hunting in the wondrous:1.4 misty steppes of its whippletorbig habitat on new teatime famous artwork by gustave dore:1.1 fractal art:1.3 in the crunkeling intertidal zones of the vast oceans on planet hellshminger the third a diminutive spiky-shelled life form with colorful jewel-like iridescence:1.6 the confusing chaos sneezer explores the otherworldly tide pools hunting for quaysled frotzgobbler albedobase-xl-v1.2 albedobond AlbedoBase XL lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.6 lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.4
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xenodiffusion_v10 braintacles XenoDiffusion RAW photo Hayv Kahraman Magical Realism Lonely anaglyph effect Orton effect Hyperpop side lit Nepalese:Industrial:13 pond with Acacia Leather Apocalypse trending on artstation Nikon d850 F/8 Technical illustration Heinrich Campendonk Acclaimed Angry three colors poster art Fluxus Art Moonlit Adobe Pain contest winner Polaroid Fish-eye Lens Redshift render Steve Ditko Tempting|Feral Relieving Pastel Colors sunbeam Hyperrealism side light Circuitry Metal Concept Art World dslr 80mm Concept art Oleg Oprisco Evil Embarrassing Fujifilm Superia bold lettering 70s Art Lens Flare Silk Justification Highres Fujicolor Pro 400H macro lens Octane render Ilya Mashkov Shimmering Grim Sepia filter moody Primitivism Art Direct light Wood Enlightenment most beautiful artwork in the world Kodak Tri-X 400 telephoto lens Painting Mark Tobey Refreshing|Fatigued Peaceful cherry blossom pink and Colorless hue Swirling Gems Dreamcore Bloom light Obsidian:Water:16 The arcane masterpiece Canon RF 800mm lens On pale black paper Mike Campau Emergent Cosy Primary Colors silhouette Dada Art Motion blur Lapidary Connection RTX Kodak Ektachrome E100 Selective focus portrait Ingmar Bergman Deteriorating Manic Kinemacolor surreal design New Wave Art Dramatic spotlight Platinum Chaos 8K Fujifilm Neopan 100 F/5 3d blender render funny looking otherworldly creature:1.3 David Burliuk Mythical Confused Velvia rainbow swirl kalighat flat lighting Stone:Fabric:4 Geometry trending on CGSociety Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Franco Fontana 1950'S Joyful Mono Color raytraced reflections Darkpunk volumetric lighting Tweed Music ultra high res Kodak UltraMax 400 Emiliano Ponzi Primordial Fearful Fujicolor Plain white background Stonepunk soft lighting Trees|Marble Paradox extremely detailed CG Unity 8k wallpaper Fuji superi400
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